Josephine Holz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Josephine Holz)


(1 - 4 von 8

Brokaw Should Investigate NBC News - Accuracy in Media
Tom Brokaw’s recent program on affirmative action, “A Question of Fairness,” looked at a

Celebratory Evening Honors Professor Emeritus Charles Wright |...
“As a teacher and a mentor,” said Josephine Holz (MAC '76, Ph.D. '81), “Dr. Wright was always helpful, always supportive, and always took the ...

Bernau Kalender: Pilgern auf Jakobswegen durch Brandenburg bis nach...
25. August 2018: Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Jubiläums der jährlich stattfindenden Pilgertour von Werneuchen nach Bernau bei Berlin lädt die Bernauer...

02 Sep DISTRICT SHOWS. - Trove
Splendid weather prevailed for the first show of the Upper Burnett A.P. and I. Society. The attendance was estimated at 1500, and the gate takings ...
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