Julia Lorke Person-Info 

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Erfolgreiche Tagung der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie im VBIOwww.vbio.de › aktuelles › details › wieder-in-praesenz-erfolgreiche-tagung...

· Julia Lorke (RWTH Aachen) präsentierte die junge FDdB-Arbeitsgruppe Wissenschaftskommunikation und Biologiedidaktik. Alle Gruppen riefen ...

Citizen Science: Schoolteachers' Motivation, Experiences X-MOLnewsletter.x-mol.com › paper

Maria Aristeidou, Julia Lorke, Nashwa Ismail. Citizen science offers teachers a way to bring authentic scientific research into their classrooms by providing ...

BBC World Service - Digital Planet, Refugees welcome at a special...

Germany's Refugees Welcome project described as Airbnb for refugees

BBC World Service - Digital Planet, What Value is SMS in SOS...

Does SMS really help in the aftermath of a disaster?
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