Junior Lauer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Junior Lauer)


EMass Cross Country Championships: LS, Wellesley girls win team titles

[Weston Town Crier] - Junior Jessie Kaliski placed seventh overall in 20:06, sophomore Eve Roth came in 20th in 20:54 and senior captain Emily Nadel finished 21st in 20:55 for

Wellesley Roundup: Raider girls 2nd at BSC cross country meet

[Wellesley Townsman] - Wellesley's John Williamson runs in the Bay State Conference boys and girls cross country championship held at Coakley Middle School in Norwood.
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Person "Lauer" (22)
Vorname "Junior" (1107)
Name "Lauer" (1845)
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