Kamel Khalili Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kamel Khalili)


(1 - 4 von 64

Will DNA-editing CRISPR change medicine? - CNN

In theory at least, there are no cells in the body that the CRISPR system could not get to, said Kamel Khalili, professor and chair of the ...

CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing removes HIV-1 from human immune cells -...

Using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, scientists used programmable RNA to take HIV-1 DNA out of human immune cells, preventing virus replication and reinfection.

Scientists say they found cure for HIV for some mice - StarTribune.com

It's an achievement the scientists say could be a step toward a cure for humans.

Le VIH éliminé de l'organisme d'animaux vivants | Sida : sur les...

L'ADN du virus VIH-1 a été complètement éliminé du génome d'animaux vivants, grâce au travail combiné des ciseaux génétiques CRISPR-Cas9 et d’un traitement...
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