Karen Gidley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karen Gidley)


Colorado Military City Comes to Grips With Back-to-Back Tragedies...

''Most of them are in shock,'' said Karen Gidley, director of the Pikes Peak Mental Health Crisis Center. On Sunday in a park near the Army's ...

Don’t take our privacy away in Devizes | The Wiltshire Gazette and...

Residents of flats in Mayenne Place, Devizes, have started a petition to urge Sarsen Housing Association not to take away their fences.

Don't Be A Victim: Burglar repellent

Your home may be your castle, but there are plenty of invaders looking to invade your home and haul off your stuff.

The Times-Journal March 29, 2012:  Page 2

The Times-Journal Newspaper Archive Condon Oregon; March Page 2. Topics include condon, april, oregon, sunday, moved, school, nelson, husband,...
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Larry Hackmann
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Name "Gidley" (98)
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