Karim Rahal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karim Rahal)


(1 - 4 von 9

Thriving African tourism backed by private investments - CNN.com

The North African country with the fastest growth rate in tourism sent out a clear message that its own private sector will now play a more prominent role in...

An appetite out of control

Algerian who can eat light bulbs, candles, sawdust, nails and 1,500 boiled eggs in one sitting hopes to enter record books. - Brisbane Times

eFloussy en justice

eFloussy, enseigne commerciale du groupe Quick Money, se trouve au milieu d'un contentieux interne entre les deux principaux actionnaires. Karim Rahal...

Algerian with prodigious stomach eyes record books | Reuters

An Algerian who says he can eat light bulbs, candles, sawdust, nails and over 1,000 boiled eggs in one sitting is itching to enter the record books and earn...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Karim Rahal
Fabio Garau
Vorname "Karim" (3666)
Name "Rahal" (117)
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