Karl Stanzick Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl Stanzick)


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Teen hacker's conviction taken as a sign of technological ...The Seattle Times

— ... enough and had the tools” to create Zotob, said Karl Stanzick, managing director of MTDS, a Rabat-based high-speed Internet provider.

Morocco sees good in hacker's conviction

'There's a bit of pride that a local kid was good enough and had the tools' to create Zotob, said Karl Stanzick, managing director of MTDS, ...

Karl Stanzick, Plage Val d’Or Temara Rabat - @kstanzick on Twitter -...

See where Karl Stanzick, Plage Val d’Or Temara Rabat - @kstanzick is trending on Twitter across the globe

Africa and Middle East Telecommunications and Mobile News in Brief...

telecom African news briefs, Middle East telecom news briefs, w/e 26 September 2018
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Vorname "Karl" (41379)
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