Karl-L. Schuchmann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karl-L. Schuchmann)


Descubren una nueva especie de colibrí en el departamento del Cauca -...

Los investigadires dijeron que se trata del zamarrito del pinche, que es una ave en peligro de extinción debido a la depredación generada por los cultivos de...

Hummingbird species found | The Star

The Gorgeted Puffleg, a rare hummingbird that boasts a plumage of violet blue and iridescent green on its throat, has been discovered living in the cloud...


INAU - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Áreas Umidas

New hummingbird species discovered

A rare hummingbird that boasts a plumage of violet blue and iridescent green has been discovered living in the cloud forests of southwestern Colombia,...
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