Karsh Kale Person-Info 

( Ich bin Karsh Kale)


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Dance to the EDM tune

[Times of India] - But it was the musical success of another Hindi movie, Karthik Calling Karthik, for which the Punditz along with Karsh Kale composed the background score

Vijay Iyer's jazz pulls from grab bag of genres and years

[Los Angeles Times] past collaborations with spoken word artist Mike Ladd and electronic musicians such as Karsh Kale and DJ Spooky reflect his diverse musical palette.

Heise.de: Woodstock | Telepolis

40 Jahre ohnegleichen

Karsh is married but not officially! | Hindi Movie News - Times of...

Composer Karsh Kale talks about his music, his love life and his big Bollywood debut
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Ravi Shankar
Vorname "Karsh" (1)
Name "Kale" (395)
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