Kate Bender Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kate Bender)


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A summer full of day trips saves the family budget

[Pittsburgh Post Gazette] - Running as they leave Agan Park in Springdale are, L to R: John Bongiovanni of Aspinwall, Kate Bender of Fox Chapel, and John''s sister Dana Bongiovanni of

The story of the “Bloody Benders”: How frontier conditions made...

16. März · As the trial unfolded, the courtroom—and soon the nation—had become convinced that finally, after almost two decades, Ma and Kate Bender had at last been found.

Tulip Festival 2014

during the coronation at the Tulip Festival on Saturday, May 10, ...

Kate Bender and Keith Bender: Transitions at Form Studio and Gallery...

This exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures offers individual insights into some of the ways we view our world.
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