Kate Mohr Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kate Mohr)


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Hayden, Mohr pace Cats at meet

[Tri County Leader] - Kate Mohr and Troy Hayden paced the Whitehouse cross country teams in the season opening meet Saturday, Sept. 11, at the UT Tyler/Tyler Lee Cross County

Google News: Alaska business people

[Anchorage Daily News] - Kate Mohr, RN, MSN, NEA-BC, has accepted the role of assistant chief nurse executive for women's and children's services at Providence Alaska Medical Center

Arias wins Fixx race; Gilmer women’s champ - GreenwichTime

... Sarah Callahan (Old Greenwich, 38:10, year-old), Kate Mohr ( Greenwich, 37:00, ), Stephanie McDonald (Norwalk, 43:24, ), ...

Kate Mohr - Newspapers.com

Clipping found in Reading Times in Reading, Pennsylvania on Dec 28, Kate Mohr
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