Katherine Lorenz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katherine Lorenz)


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'I felt no pressure to be in philanthropy' - The Economic Times

Several of India's philanthropists are taking traditional forms of charity and reinventing them for contemporary solutions.

Genetics and mental health - ABC Melbourne - Australian Broadcasting...

Writs and Cures delves into genetic testing and looks at whether the law is keeping up with the science. Plus Professor Bernadette McSherry discusses the...

Katherine Lorenz: President, Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation |...

A daily news, jobs, rfp service of Candid. Philanthropy-related articles and features culled from print and electronic media outlets nationwide.

Trends in Family Philanthropy: A Conversation with NCFP Fellows...

As comes to a close, we invite you to participate in a special conversation with two of the field’s emerging leaders, NCFP Fellows Katherine Lorenz & Doug...
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