Kathrin Behlau Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kathrin Behlau)


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GRAND CITY PROPERTIES S.A.:80,7% aus der Wandelanleihe

Kontakt: Kathrin Behlau Grand City Properties S.A. T: +49 (30) E: www.grandcityproperties.com.

Grand City Properties S.A., : Grand City Properties increases 6.25%...

Grand City Properties S.A., : Grand City Properties increases 6.25% corporate bond by up to EUR 100 million | Grand City Properties S.A. | News |...

DGAP-News: Grand City Properties S.A.: 65.2% of the Convertible Bond...

Kathrin Behlau T: +49 (30) E: Grand City Properties S.A. 6, boulevard Pierre Dupong L Luxemburg www.grandcityproperties.com

DGAP-News: GRAND CITY PROPERTIES S.A. acquires residential property...

Kathrin Behlau Grand City Properties S.A.. T: +49 (30) E: www.grandcityproperties.com. Disclaimer This press ...
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