Katja Neves Person-Info 

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BGCI-2015: ROUNDTABLE: Leaders in Biodiversity Cons...

View more about this event at BGCI-2015

Events | Rob Fletcher

Katja Neves (Concordia University) 36. Danielle Hirsch (Both Ends) 37. Simon Batterbury (Melbourne University) 38. Francisco Peña (COLSAN Mexico) 39. Ursula Münster (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). Place and venue: beautiful Wageningen is an old, small Dutch city in the centre-east of the Netherlands, ...

Fassweb news | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ...

CSEC is hosting several visitors in Dr. Katja Neves Graca from Corcordia University, Montreal,camein February to speak to the topic of ...

Green Economy in the South conference: background – Future...

Deborah Bryceson (University of Glasgow) Noel Castree (Univ of Manchester) Catherine Corson (Mount Holyoke College) Rosaleen Duffy (Univ of Kent) Rob Fletcher (University of Peace) Jens Lund (University of Copenhagen) Faustin Maganga (University of Dar es Salaam) Katja Neves (Concordia Univ)
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