Katya Tsaioun Person-Info 

( Ich bin Katya Tsaioun)


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Cyprotex's chief scientific officer resigns - Manchester Evening News

Drug testing firm Cyprotex announced its chief scientific officer has resigned with immediate effect. Dr Katya Tsaioun was the president and co-founder of US...

Guardian: Using animals to test drugs is outdated and unreliable | letters |...

Letters: Governments should replace mandatory animal-testing requirements with new technologies

webSPELL v News » - web-constructs.com

Dr. Katya Tsaioun, Co Founder, CEO, and Chief Scientific Officer of Apredica, is a world renowned ADME Tox expert with exceptional ...

Pharma Launcher Events & Speaking

Presenter: Katya Tsaioun, Ph.D. Predictive Human Toxicity and ADME/Tox Studies Organization: Mondial Research Group Location: Brussels, Belgium
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