Kerfalla Camara Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kerfalla Camara)


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Taz: Ausgangssperre in Guinea lockerer -

Die Bürger dürfen ab jetzt von 6 bis 18 Uhr auf die Straße, erklärte Generalstabschef Kerfalla Camara am Sonntagabend im Staatsfernsehen.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Inside Guinea's power vacuum
Not only is Guinea's president Lansana Conte not well, neither is his country, says

Protesting Guinea soldiers riot, loot in barracks | Reuters
Soldiers in Guinea demanding higher pay grades fired into the air and ransacked arms and food stores in an overnight protest at two of the West African...

Africa | Guinea soldiers riot over talks - BBC › africa
... broke out in cheers when it was announced that Mr Conte had sacked Defence Minister Arafan Camara and army chief Gen Kerfalla Camara.
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Person "Camara" (1)
Vorname "Kerfalla" (3)
Name "Camara" (662)
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