Kevin Jardin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kevin Jardin)


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Canadian small businesses go for the gold in London - The Globe and...
While all the attention is on the athletes, many Canadian small businesses are also making an appearance at the Olympics. Here are four firms that are...

Unternehmensnachrichten / effexx-Nachwuchs gewinnt NRW-Landeswettbe...
Karriere Südwestfalen ist das Onlineportal für Jobs, Ausbildungsplätze, duale Studienplätze, Praktika und Karrierechancen in der Region Südwestfalen.

Ai Mondiali di sci paralimpico di Tarvisio è tempo di discesa -...
I 68 atleti partiti hanno affrontato il tracciato, posizionato dall'americano Kevin Jardin (con un dislivello di 543 metri), dimostrando di essere già ...

- Special Ops & Absinthe From Society & Guest @ The Rendezvous Pub
Your Live Music Guide Covering the music scene around Alberta with focus on Edmonton and Calgary. Who's playing tonight?
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