Kilian Renschler Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kilian Renschler)


(1 - 4 von 12

Conflicts in the executive floor ?: VW separates from truck boss...
Personnel manager Gunnar Kilian Renschler takes on the tasks of the Volkswagen Group board. VW production director Andreas Tostmann ...

Digital VS analogue - Competition or collaboration
Kilian Renschler, from Heidelberg's Key Account Packaging, points out that traditional sheetfed offset printing offers great flexibility, offering both long and short ...

Heidelberg erstmals auf der interpack World of Print
Heidelberg informiert über Lösungsangebot für die Faltschachtelproduktion

Drupa packs in latest kit
Despite opening less than a month after Interpack closed its doors, there was plenty on display to interest packaging converters at the Drupa exhibition in...
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