Kim Effing Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kim Effing)


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'Better Call Saul' star Rhea Seehorn breaks down Kim's stunning moves...
#x27;Better Call Saul#x27; star Rhea Seehorn analyzes the events of #x27;Bad Choice Road,#x27; Kim#x27;s scene with Lalo and Jimmy, and what lies ahead.

Born To Be Loved - Kim Taehyung (V) Official Thread | S I N G U L A...
· KIM EFFING F TAEHYUNG!!! :ahmagah: It is really hard being a kim taehyung stan. Not complaining doe. He has always been my bias since the ...

Chapter › it-led-to-a-dangerous-love
· "Kim effing Jonghyun!" She spluttered as her head rose above the wvaes. I laughed at her face, which was stupid. Haerin and sooyin grabbed ...
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