Kimberly Donnelly Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kimberly Donnelly)


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Google News: Lack of Efficacy of Citalopram in Children With Autism Spectrum ...

[Archives of General Psychiatry] - Dr Hollander is now with the Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, New York, New York; Dr Anagnostou is now with the Bloorview Research Institute and the

Births: Albany Medical Center, Sept
ALBANY MEDICAL CENTER HOSPITAL TAFILOWSKI, Luciana Amelia, daughter of Meggan and John...

SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT: Roaring Readers popular teaching tool in classroom
Spring Creek Elementary School is benefiting from some innovative programs, one of which is the Roaring Readers Program, launched by teacher, Kimberly Donnelly.

Decades of Memorial Day service come to an end for Flint family -...
This year, for the first time in almost a half-century, the Jim Donnelly family wasn't handing out coffee, cookies and orange juice after the annual Memorial...
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