Kimberly Hill Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kimberly Hill)


(1 - 4 von 35

Jailbreaking Your iPhone: Why Bother?
[TechNewsWorld] - By Kimberly Hill One of the strongest lures for consumers to risk the consequences of jailbreaking their iPhones is the ability to get tethering

Microsoft Wants to Cordon Off Botnet-Infected Computers
[TechNewsWorld] - By Kimberly Hill Microsoft is calling for "collective action" to combat cyberthreats -- particularly botnets. "Governments, industry and consumers should

T-Mobile to Join Windows Phone 7 Bash
[E-Commerce Times] - By Kimberly Hill Windows Phone 7's day of reckoning is drawing near, and Microsoft has partnered with a second carrier in the hope of injecting its launch

70-Plus Charged in Cybergang Crackdown
[E-Commerce Times] - By Kimberly Hill The breakup of a sophisticated international cybercrime ring is just one small victory in a war that's rapidly escalating as the bad guys
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