Klaus During Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus During)


(1 - 4 von 7

'You really did not manage this well': Czech president to bodyguards...

A young man wielding a plastic gun fired pellets at Czech President Vaclav Klaus on Friday, hitting him on the arm but causing no injuries

Czech parody europian union | Reuters

A man wears a plastic mask of the Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus during an anti-Klaus demonstration May 21, Your View/Jan Slavicek

Gunman wearing camouflage jacket fires at Czech President Vaclav...

President Vaclav Klaus during a ceremony to open a bridge in ...

Klaus Respawn time - [Don't Starve Together] General Discussion -...

Does anyone happen to know when he appears after being defeated? I have had a few cases where ive been able to hunt him two times in one winter. So i was...
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