Klaus Stoehlker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Klaus Stoehlker)


(1 - 4 von 55

FIFA’S Sepp Blatter in hospital after stress-related ‘breakdown’ -...

Sepp Blatter remains in a Swiss hospital after what his spokesman called a

«Russland bietet enorme Chancen» | Basler Zeitung

Berater und Unternehmer Klaus J. Stoehlker versteht die Kritik an Ständerat Lombardi nicht. Für ihn ist klar: Der jetzige Ukraine-Konflikt wurde von der EU...

Blatter awaiting fate after ethics committee investigation – The...

Blatter associate Klaus Stoehlker, who has no role at FIFA, told The Associated Press and other media outlets the ethics committee's ...

Blatter leaves hospital | The Daily Star

Suspended FIFA boss Sepp Blatter has left hospital and returned home after being admitted over a stress-related medical incident, his spokesman said on...
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