Kristina Melcher Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kristina Melcher)


'Pasatiempo' editor who embraced cool, weird and AP News
— Under Kristina Melcher's watch at Pasatiempo, Santa Feans learned how much money arts executives earned in the city. › article

From cool, weird to opera, editor embraced it all - PressReader
— Under Kristina Melcher's watch at Pasatiempo, Santa Feans learned how much money arts executives earned in the city. › usa

Frische Friseure freigesprochen - SHZ
— ... Itzehoe) Stefanie Knoop (Sabine Schargus, Glückstadt) Andrea Lehmbeck (Arne Barteis, Schenefeld) Kristina Melcher (Germaine Schmidt, ... › Lokales › Itzehoe
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