Kurt Benkstein Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kurt Benkstein)


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New Way To Make Sensors That Detect Toxic Chemicals

· Collaborators on the project include Steve Semancik and Kurt Benkstein at NIST. Study coauthors include: Krenar Shqau, an Ohio State ...

Super Sensitive Gas Detector Goes Down the Nanotubes

· ... the devices themselves is a difficult, imprecise and time-consuming process, according to Kurt Benkstein, an author of the paper.

Super sensitive gas detector goes down the nanotubes

Super sensitive gas detector goes down the nanotubes

Super sensitive gas detector goes down the nanotubes

When cells are under stress, they blow off steam by releasing minute amounts of nitrogen oxides and other toxic gases. In a recent paper, researchers at the...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Kurt Benkstein
Vorname "Kurt" (25442)
Name "Benkstein" (23)
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