Kurt Perschke Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kurt Perschke)


(1 - 4 von 24

Montreal's having a ball with Kurt Perschke's creationYahoo News Canada

— Brooklyn-based sculptor Kurt Perschke has been travelling the world for the past 10 years with a giant red ball. He's been to Abu Dhabi, ...

Kurt Perschke Archives - UTHSC NewsUTHSC News

— New York artist Kurt Perschke was smiling as he stood in front of the Student Alumni Center at UTHSC at noon Monday and watched people ...

Montreal's having a ball with Kurt Perschke's creationCBC

— Brooklyn-based sculptor Kurt Perschke has been travelling the world for the past 10 years with a giant red ball. Now it's Montreal's turn.

Kurt PerschkeStreetArtNews

American artist Kurt Perschke was invited by the “Zomer van Antwerpen” festival this summer to bring his unique and wonderful “RedBall Project” to the ...
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