Laila Alawi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laila Alawi)


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Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith to Join Glitz and Glam of...
Also attending will be Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon and Laila Alawi who will join for the CINEMA VERITE/MEIFF panels to be ...

All the action at MEIFF | Entertainment – Gulf News
Here's what to look forward to at the Middle East International Film Festival

Antonio Banderas und Melanie Griffith im Glanz und Glamour der...
Des weiteren nehmen Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon und Laila Alawi an den Gesprächsrunden in der Rubrik CINEMA VERITE/MEIFF ...

Laila Alawi said in the controversial "Guest" movie in Egypt › Home › Entertainment
Egyptian actor Laila Alawi commented on the cinema "The Guest," which gave controversy over the Egyptian media in the last time, because of the controversial ...
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