Larisa Michailova Person-Info 

( Ich bin Larisa Michailova)


(1 - 4 von 16
) Friidrott, EM

Damer, 800 m, till final, heat 1: 1) Larisa Michailova, Ryssland, 1.59,33, 2) Stephanie Graf, Österrike, 1.59,50, 3) Tsvetelina Kirilova, Bulgarien, 1.59,77, ...

Kenyans capture Pike's Peek titles - Washington Times
The win yesterday at the Pike's Peek 10K meant something to David Korir. The $500 top prize meant even more. Friidrott, Budapest:

Heat 4: 1) Larisa Michailova, Ryssland, 2.02,03, 2) Heike Meissner, Tyskland, 2.02,20, 3) Tsvetelina Kirilova, Bulgarien, 2.02,37. Sv res: Monica Lundgren ...

Elite runners set for Danbury race
The top women contenders are Isabelle LeDroit (Canada) with a best time of 73:33 for the half marathon and Larisa Michailova (Russia) with a ...
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