Laura Augustin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laura Augustin)


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) Möbelmesse in Mailand: Salone Internazionale del MobileSpiegel

— Foto: Laura Augustin Ihre Idee: Statt Borsten lieber Noppen verwenden, die kann man einfacher reinigen. Foto: Laura Augustin. Feedback — Foto: Laura Augustin Ihre Idee: Statt Borsten lieber Noppen verwenden, die kann man einfacher reinigen. Foto: Laura Augustin. Feedback.

Laura Augustin wins 2 gold medals at the Latin American
— One Romanian police officer, Laura Augustin, 24 years old has won two gold medals: for Brazilian jiu-jitsu and for the judo competition. Laura — One Romanian police officer, Laura Augustin, 24 years old has won two gold medals: for Brazilian jiu-jitsu and for the judo competition. Laura ...

Polițista maramureșeană Laura Augustin, campioană ...2mnews
AP — O NOUĂ PERFORMANȚĂ – Polițista maramureșeană Laura Augustin, campioană mondială la jiu jitsu la World Police and Fire Games iulie AP — O NOUĂ PERFORMANȚĂ – Polițista maramureșeană Laura Augustin, campioană mondială la jiu jitsu la World Police and Fire Games iulie

Kreative der Hochschule in BESTFORMHochschule Magdeburg-Stendal
Laura Augustin (IDE Masterteam der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg), Martin Deutscher (MDID), Martin Drewes (Inflotec), Saskia Richter-Haase ... Laura Augustin (IDE Masterteam der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg), Martin Deutscher (MDID), Martin Drewes (Inflotec), Saskia Richter-Haase ...
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