Laura Sophie Dominick Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laura Sophie Dominick)


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NZZ: Über uns | NZZ Live - Journalismus erlebenNeue Zürcher Zeitung

Laura Sophie Dominick. Project Manager. Tamara Glaus. Senior Project Manager. Saskia Iten. Project Manager. Deutschland. Hanjo Peters.

Celebrating the Currency of a Great Newspaper Headline
— Rather famously, here's what copy editor Laura Dominick conjured up for the newspaper version: This headline recently helped Dominick win ... › la-times...

Laura Dominick wins again in ACES headline contest
Laura Dominick's entry: Dec. 31, 2009, Main News, A1 The spies who loved them A brother and sister eventually caught on that their parents were somehow different.

Winners of Times' Editorial Awards - Los Angeles Times
This article was originally on a blog post platform and may be missing photos, graphics or links.
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