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Google News: Fed內鬨 柏南克沒在怕

[聯合新聞網] - 曾任聯準會理事的總體經濟顧問公司資深董事邁爾(Laurence Meyer)指出,美國經濟前景惡化,加上利率已趨近於零使得貨幣政策的操作空間有限,都促使柏南克決定設下明確時間。 ‧免責聲明:以上內容由各投資機構或媒體提供,純屬研究…質,僅作參考,使用者應明瞭其參考…,

Bernanke's Interest-Rate Timeframe Draws Most Negative Votes in 18 Years
[Bloomberg] of the economic outlook, and the limits of monetary policy when interest rates are already near zero, prompted Bernanke to opt for the time commitment -- even at the cost of three dissenting votes, said former Fed Governor Laurence Meyer.

柏南奇低利時間表 內部有歧見
[中央通訊社] - 前聯準會理事梅爾(Laurence Meyer)指出,在當 前經濟前景惡化,加上基準利率已降至近乎零,貨幣政 策受侷限下,促使柏南奇選擇做出時間表的承諾,即使 表決中出現3張反對票。 現任宏觀經濟顧問公司(Macroeconomic Advisers LLC.)資深董事總經理的梅爾表示,「他勢必對

Google News: FED, Bernanke: La data della discordia. Dissensi nel FOMC.

[] prospettive economiche, ei limiti della politica monetaria quando i tassi sono già vicini allo zero, hanno spinto Bernanke ad optare per l'impegno di tempo - anche a costo di tre voti contrari, ha detto l'ex governatore della Fed, Laurence Meyer.
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