Lawson Jessee Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lawson Jessee)


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· Alamo Heights Election forum — Nextdoor
Meet and Greet the Candidates Mayor Louis Cooper and Sarah Reveley; Bobby Rosenthal unopposed; Bobby Hasslocher and Lawson Jessee An opportunity to learn...

Alamo Heights apartment complex gets conditional approval
A proposed 150-unit apartment complex is one step closer to becoming a part of Alamo Heights.

Alamo Heights panel denies project request
The local planning and zoning commission recommends rejecting a special use permit sought...

Neighborhood News Magazine
Louis Cooper, Lawson Jessee and Bobby Rosenthal, respectively, are incumbents. In Terrell Hills, Council Places 3 and 4 are available. William Ochse and Marilyn Eldridge are the incumbents. Terrell Hills officials are also considering a bond issue for road improvements, plus city charter amendments, ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Lawson Jessee
Vorname "Lawson" (199)
Name "Jessee" (195)
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