Lee Maddocks Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lee Maddocks)


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Barnardo's volunteer Lee finds his true calling

Lee Maddocks has won the Marsh Trust NI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award. The 29-year-old has been recognised for his role with ...

TOWIE's Jon Clark apologises to couple he The Mirror

... on Mother's Day. The couple in question - Kelly and Lee Maddocks - were chatting to other diners over their meal when Jon Snapped them.

2 New Web Developers Start at Preston Office | Piranha Digital

Piranha's web development team has expanded with two new team members. To see how James and Lee can build and deliver your perfect website, click here!

Lee wins Volunteer of the Year Award | NorthernIrelandWorld

A Newtownabbey man has been awarded the Marsh Trust NI Regional Volunteer of the Year Award for his volunteering role with Barnardo’s.
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