Leif Isaksen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Leif Isaksen)


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San Francisco's Tourist Traipses

[South Coast Today] - Ultimately, I couldn't help being drawn to Chinatown, where on one Saturday retired engineer Leif Isaksen takes a group of about two dozen of us down

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology entwickelt Suchmaschine für...

Personen: Leif Isaksen. Firmen und Sites: ac.at blogspot.de open.ac.uk southampton.ac.uk. Tags: Suchmaschinen Forschung Geschichte Antike. Trackback-URL Permalink.

Southampton researchers to transform map study | Daily Echo

THE way ancient maps and geographic texts are understood is set to be revolutionised by a project led by Southampton experts.

Nationen – distriktenes næringsavis

Nationen er distriktenes næringsavis, og avisens prioriterte stoffområder er næringsliv, landbruk, politikk, samferdsel og EU.
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