Yasni Exposé von Leon Kemper


Spitzname: Knows everything beter, Land: Deutschland, Sprache: Englisch
Ich biete: I do know everything beter. I am a guru on any subject.I also favors playing with lesser musicians because it makes me feels much bigger. I currently play with the poor musically gifted Amsterdam Beyond band from poor musician Konstantin Ruchadze , I never have played with top artist and celebrities from the Amsterdam top musicians scene other that on cafe terasses playing cards. I do not show any taste at all in my playing, all is hard and fast but I think that if one is playing hard and fast that's all that matter, no one has good ears enough to hear better anyway. My philosophy is to profile myself on the back of others, anything goes in that prospect as long as I am getting the best out of it. I do not deal in vintage guitars anymore in public because it is more and more difficult to coned people, there is much too much informations on vintage guitars available on the net. So I have stopt to be public, but I still do buiz' on the side. If you have any fakes, contact me at once.
Leon Kemper @ mediocre Rudchaze band, Amsterdam

1 Information zu Leon Kemper

Konstantin Ruchadze Amsterdam Beyond featuring the great dutch guitarist Leon Kemper

I regret that the programation do not allow such great bands as the konstantin Rudchaze “ Amster...
yasni 02.10.11  +  

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Leon Kemper @ Amsterdam

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