Leonard Guarente Person-Info 

( Ich bin Leonard Guarente)


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Google News: New Research Yields Latest Age-Defyin...

[DigitalJournal.com] - As a matter of fact, the oldest person ever recorded was a Frenchwoman named Jean Calmet who lived to be Calmet attributed her longevity to her ability

Gaan we straks een derde langer leven?

[Het Nieuwsblad] - Parallel aan deze ontdekkingen kwamen onderzoekers tot de bevinding dat muizen die op een gezond maar arm dieet worden gezet, langer leven.

What the NAD+ Pill Could Mean for the Anti-Aging Process | Time

A group of researchers believe they’re getting closer to an anti-aging pill thanks to a compound called NAD+ for short.

Gen verdoppelt Lebensdauer

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