Linda Kunz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Linda Kunz)


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Polygamy trial begins - UPI Archives
A Mormon man with five wives is due to go on trial later Monday in a case expected to focus on Utah's bigamy law and its common law marriage statutes....

Orgulloso de ser polígamo | Última | EL PAÍS
Un mormón con cinco esposas se arriesga a 25 años de cárcel en EE UU

Guardian: Utah jurors deliver blow to polygamist | World news | The Guardian

A Mormon with five wives and 29 children could face up to 25 years in jail after being found guilty of bigamy in America's biggest polygamy case in nearly five...

Man with five wives and 29 children faces polygamy trial
THE first polygamy trial for nearly 50 years in Utah, the home of the Mormon church, formally opened yesterday.
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