Line Vidal Person-Info 

( Ich bin Line Vidal)


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Google News: Hot Rods Take Second Straight at Dayton

[WBKO] - The Hot Rods right fielder dribbled a ball down the third base line that was fielded by Vidal. Vidal tried to throw to home plate but his throw hit Morrison

10 bishops could be next in line for Cebu
[Cebu Daily News] - By Jason Baguia Who will be the fourth archbishop of Cebu after Ricardo Cardinal Vidal retires and when will it be known? Vatican observers foresee Pope

The one line that proves brevity is the soul of wit
[This is London] - But when told that his latest book was meretricious, Gore Vidal did retort: “Meretricious, and a happy new year.” And when told in court that Lord Astor

Guardian: The Girls by Emma Cline review – allure of the cult | Fiction | The...

A teenage girl joins a dangerous commune in an evocative debut novel inspired by the Charles Manson affair
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Vorname "Line" (1301)
Name "Vidal" (1569)
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