Lisa Bevere Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lisa Bevere)


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Ein prophetisches Wort an die Frauen und Gemeindeleiter - Daily ...
(Dies ist ein Auszug aus Lisa Bevere, „Lioness Arising: Wake Up ans Change Your World“ [„Aufstehende Löwin: Wach auf und ändere deine Welt“], Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group, Seiten 126 – 128, übersetzt von Jonas Erne) [mehr] ...

Lisa Bevere 'Caught Off Guard' by Her Emotional Response to...
Have you seen the controversial video #LikeAGirl? Here's Lisa Bevere's take on the video and how it affects the church's view toward women.

Lisa Bevere Fights Like a Girl | Unfair Park | Dallas | Dallas...
Lisa Bevere knows all about church ladies. Now isn't that special? (Sorry.) We all have our church-lady stories. Here's mine: I knew a woman of ...
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