Lisa Gunnarson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lisa Gunnarson)


(1 - 4 von 9

‘Ik wil de finale halen’ (Damme) - Het Nieuwsblad
Zeven Belgische atleten nemen aan het WK-scholieren in het Colombiaanse Cali deel. Hanne De Baene behoort er als enige West-Vlaamse bij. De 17-jarige Sijse...

Stavtalangens frustration – "borde inte tänka på ribban"
Saga Andersson hoppas att toppformen infinner sig före JVM.

Daughter 'in-law' like one of our own - Duluth News Tribune | News,...
Because we had two sons and no daughters, our hope was that once our sons married we would have that special

Payne clears 4.88m in Albuquerque – indoor round-up | REPORT | World...
If was the year of the high jump and the year of the triple jump, could turn out to be the year of the pole vault.
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Vorname "Lisa" (44486)
Name "Gunnarson" (18)
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