Liviu Vedrasco Person-Info 

( Ich bin Liviu Vedrasco)


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Liviu Vedrasco - Bio, News, Photos - Washington Times
Latest news and commentary on Liviu Vedrasco including photos, videos, quotations, and a biography.

Accidentes: Tailandia quiere acabar con las carreteras más mortales...
El país asiático es el segundo del mundo en el que más gente muere en accidentes de tráfico. Ahora, el gobierno militar quiere reformar la arcaica ley vial de...

In pictures: Desperate plight of Muslims in Myanmar camp - BBC News
Images from camps for Burmese Muslims or Rohingya

Rohingya health crisis in west Myanmar after aid groups forced out |...
As three-month-old Asoma Khatu approached her final, labored breaths, her neighbor Elia, a 50-year-old former farmer, dug through the strongbox holding some of...
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Programme Officer
Vorname "Liviu" (362)
Name "Vedrasco" (1)
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