Ljubica Djordjevic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ljubica Djordjevic)


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Boosting European Security Law and Policy – BeSEC. Online Final...

Ljubica Djordjevic, European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg Processing of Ethnic Data: Juggling between Data Protection and Diversity Management.

Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi

Name, Affiliation, period. Emilio Barucci. Marianna Brunetti. Rocco Ciciretti. Ljubica Djordjevic. Annalisa Fabretti. Tommy Garling. Stefano Herzel. Martin Holmen.

SCL Seminar by Ljubica Djordjevicscl.phy.bg.ac.rs › news › 997-scl-seminar-by-ljubica...

· will be given by Dr. Ljubica Đorđević (Goethe University Frankfurt). Abstract of the talk: We will show that the mortgage refinancing costs, which ...

SCL Seminar by Ljubica Djordjevic

Scientific Com…ng Laboratory - High performance com…ng in physics; Laboratorija za primenu racunara u nauci
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