Ljubisa Mandic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ljubisa Mandic)


(1 - 4 von 5

Bosnian Serb ex-soldiers protest at Mladic birthplace - World -...

Nothing worse could happen to us,” a 37-year-old ex-soldier, Ljubisa Mandic, told AFP at the rally. Mladic was born on March 12, 1942, in a ...

aftonbladet.se: Spänt i Serbien inför protester

Gripandet av Ratko Mladic är ett trauma för mig, det är den största tragedi som har drabbat det serbiska folket, sade Ljubisa Mandic, en 37-årig ...

Bosnian Serb ex-soldiers protest at Mladic birthplace - International...

3,000 angry Bosnian Serbs protest Mladic arrest insisting on his heroism

Ahram Online - Bosnian Serb ex-soldiers protest at Mladic birthplace

Bosnian Serb ex-soldiers protest at Mladic birthplace
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ljubisa Mandic
Bosnian Serb
Vorname "Ljubisa" (231)
Name "Mandic" (263)
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