Lorelai Held Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lorelai Held)


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Season 6 - Page 2 - Gilmore Girls - PRIMETIMER

The Rory storyline actually has a lot of elements that ring true...but theyre just never consequent enough with it and never follow through. And sometimes it...

One is the Loneliest Number: Unpopular GG Opinions - Page

Coming out of lurkerdome to say I also dont think Lane did anything that terrible. If anything, Im more offended that Mrs. Kim didnt even give Lane options of...

Chapter Pretend to Pretend Too | When Love's Backstage by...

Lorelai held her breath, her heart beating as fast as it could without jumping out of her chest. Come on, Lorelai! If watching Luke sleep makes you wanna die ...

The City - The Underground: Underground Hall Showing of 25

Lorelai held her breath the whole time and finally released it when her name was chosen. There was no way she would be able to survive ...
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