Lorena Bachmaier Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lorena Bachmaier)


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news albert-ludwigs-universität freiburg freiburg institute for ...docplayer.org › News-albert-ludwigs-unive...

Growing up in East Berlin, I never once felt that gender had played a role in my ... This is the field of Lorena Bachmaier, full professor of law at ...

Lunch Lecture - Lorena Bachmaier — Freiburg Institute for Advanced...

Research in Legal Science

Cambridge Hosts 'Comparing Tort and Crime' Conference | Faculty of Law

On April 2014, the Cambridge Private Law Centre and Trinity College hosted a conference entitled Comparing Tort and Crime. The conference was the last in...

Офіс Ради Європи в Україні

Офіс Ради Європи в Україні
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