International im Yasni Exposé von Lucas Wyrsch

(42868 seit 25.05.2008)


Land: Schweiz, Sprache: Deutsch
Ich biete: Networking, Enterprise Risk Management, Actuarial Sciences, Pension Funds, Captives, High Performing, Low Volatility, Leverage, Life Insurances Policies, Swiss Business Club, Swissnet, Inc., Swiss Business Club Ltd., Incorporation, Trade Promotion, Affluent Consulting, High Net Worth Individuals Adviser, HNWI, UHNWI, Ecademy, Facebook, MySpace, Spocke, Viadeo, XING, TGC-Consultant, Risk Consulting, Doing Business Virtually, Guanxi Game, The Art of Networking, Connections, Relationships, Contacts, Leads, Sales, market Risk, credit Risk, Liquidity Risk, Insurance Risk, Operational Risk, Reputational Risk, Strategic Risk, Legal Risk, Regulatory Risk, Competition Risk, Systemic Risk, Hedge, Funds, Bank Assurance, Blogging, Micro Blogging, Twitter, SocialMedian, Plaxo, Orkut, Social Business Networking, BlackStar, Ecademy, XING, Viadeo, Empire Avenue, FriendFeed, Future Power Generation, Advanced Technology Consulting, CGEY, Capgemini, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, Yasni, Switzerland, Zurich
Lucas Wyrsch @ TGC-Consultants, Future Power, Zürich

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Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
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Lucas Wyrsch - Lucas Wyrschlucas.wyrsch@
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1877 Informationen zu Lucas Wyrsch

The Space Station Is Getting A Coffee Machine - Forbes -

Italian companies Argotec and Lavazza have teamed up to bring hot coffee to the International Space Station.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
44x 17.06.14  +  

Who will win the US Presidential Elections in 2012? - Ecademy

Who will win the US Presidential Elections in 2012? Dear Ecademists, Here are the latest news on the US presidential election which will be held in November 6, 2012, compiled by the Telegraph! In a global poll on the American elections 2012, executed by Gallup International Association the outcome would be easy as 81 percent of the world's electors, according to Gallup International Association's poll, would reelect actual 44th US President Barack Obama and only 19 percent would vote for Mitt Romney!
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
172x 29.10.12  +  

Are We Creating New Identities Beyond Nationalism? - Ecademy

Creating New Identities Beyond Nationalism Will the Occupy movement 'stick'? Is it helping create new transnational identities that go beyond the traditional ones that so many of us still embrace? To mull these questions over, let's quickly look at the work of Manuel Castells, Jérôme E Roos and others to determine if the international system is indeed experiencing a new wave of identity politics or not.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
175x 04.01.12  +  

I wish you all a Happy New Year 2012 of the Water Dragon! - Ecademy

Chinese Year of the Water Dragon ! I wish you a Happy New Year 2012! 2012 will be the Chinese Year of the Water Dragon and the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All! It will be the year when the Chinese Dream: The Rise of the World's Largest Middle Class will become obvious to all of us! It will also be the year of an energy shift from fossil and nuclear sources of energy to renewable, sustainable and alternative energies!
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
162x 01.01.12  +  

Can Renewable Energy End Poverty? - Ecademy

Next year will be the 'International Year for Sustainable Energy for All', declared by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of energy poverty, and what we can and must do about it. Energy is power! Access to energy transforms lives by helping people generate income, provide health care services, improve education and protect the environment.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
114x 25.08.11  +  

Did you know that Next year will be the 'International Year for Sustainable Energy for All'?

Next year will be the 'International Year for Sustainable Energy for All', declared by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of energy poverty, and what we can and must do about it. Energy is power Access to energy transforms lives by helping people generate income, provide health care services, improve education and protect the environment. United Nation's Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made renewable energy and its ability to lift the poorest nations to new levels of prosperity a central theme during his visit to Colorado on Wednesday.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
114x 26.08.11  +  

What are the predictions for the year 2012? - Ecademy

Achieving a Business Focus on Sustainability, Energy, Performance and Technology! We're entering a mythical year of change, the Chinese Year of the Water Dragon, the international year of sustainable energy for all where energy efficiency challenges drive greater focus on sustainability.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
171x 10.01.12  +  

Do we need 600 million new jobs to generate sustainable growth and maintain social cohesion? - Ecademy

Global Employment Trends 2012: World faces a 600 million jobs challenge, warns ILO | The world faces the "urgent challenge" of creating 600 million productive jobs over the next decade in order to generate sustainable growth and maintain social cohesion, according to the annual report on global employment by the International Labour Organization.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
133x 07.02.12  +  

Breaking News: Hungary Credit Rating Cut to Junk at Moody's - Ecademy

Hungary Credit Rating Cut to Junk at Moody's! According to Bloomberg and many other news agencies Hungary lost its investment-grade rating at Moody's Investors Service after 15 years as the Cabinet seeks International Monetary Fund help to boost confidence in the European Union's most-indebted eastern member.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
134x 25.11.11  +  

Today is the 20th International Day of Older Persons - Ecademy

International Day of Older Persons | October 1st is the International Day of Older Persons. This Day marks the twentieth anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons. Older persons play an invaluable role in all societies -- as leaders, caregivers and volunteers - yet are also vulnerable to discrimination, abuse, neglect and violence.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
154x 01.10.10  +  

Will Ireland have to nationalize more banks to avoid bankruptcy? - Ecademy

Ireland $164B rescue in works, The International Monetary Fund, European Union and European Central Bank are preparing a 120-billion-euro ($164 billion) bailout of Ireland, requiring the country to raise taxes and nationalize more banks
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
184x 21.11.10  +  

Why did Mark Zuckerberg on his visit to China meet Baidu's CEO Robin Li? - Ecademy

Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is visiting China, and one of his first stops was the Beijing headquarters of China's largest search engine Baidu. Photos of Zuckerberg in Baidu quickly appeared online, and Baidu's director of international communications Kaiser Kuo confirmed that Zuckerberg was indeed there. "Obviously I'm not going to deny what's in the pictures," Kuo told the Associated Press, adding that Zuckerberg had lunch with Baidu CEO Robin Li. Of course, such a visit will inevitably spark a whirlwind of rumors, which Kuo jokingly set aside. "Rumors that Baidu is about to acquire Facebook are greatly exaggerated," he tweeted.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
191x 21.12.10  +  

Global youth unemployment rate at all-time high, UN labour agency reports, Ecademy Blog, Lucas Wyrsch

The world's employment opportunities are still deteriorating according to the most recent ILO report! The global youth unemployment rate is at a record high and is expected to climb even higher as the year progresses, the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) announced today. According to a new report, of the world's 620 million economically active youth between the ages of 15 and 24, 81 million were out of work at the end of 2009, the highest number ever. The youth unemployment rate climbed from 11.9 per cent in 2007 to 13 per cent in 2009.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
202x 16.08.10  +  

The International Academy of Financial Management

The IAFM provides tailor made in-house training and certifications programmes to the global financial services industry. Contact: Lucas Wyrsch eMail:
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
215x 04.07.10  +  

Worldwide Business Opportunities for Swiss Companies through International Financial Institutions, Swiss Business Club, LinkedIn

The international financial institutions (IFIs) actively promote economic development in developing countries and emerging economies. The African Development Bank (AfDB), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank currently provide a total of more than CHF 85 billion per year to support projects in developing countries and emerging economies. These projects cover sectors as diverse as agriculture and natural resources, education, energy, environment, health, industry, public administration, transportation, urban development, water supply and sanitation. The IFIs all work with national governments and the private sector in developing countries and emerging economies to implement major projects aiming to alleviate poverty and improve the quality of life of people living in those countries. Zurich: April 22, 2010 - Hotel Marriott Zurich. From 08h30 until 14h00 - Registration:
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
209x 25.03.10  +  

Ungültige URL: Doppelherzen

Polacy ... text. International Forum Switzerland Social Network Friends Auf ... Sybille Bruhn. Sybille Pente. Sylvia Amstadt. Sylvia Claus. Sylvia Hohner ...
219x 25.03.10  +  

Worldwide Business Opportunities for Swiss Companies through IFIs, Plancast

Worldwide Business Opportunities for Swiss Companies through International Financial Institutions - - Conference about how Swiss companies can secure contracts funded by International Financial Institutions Plancast is the easiest way to share your plans with your friends. You have plans. Spread the word.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
218x 25.03.10  +  

Ecademy Events: Worldwide Business Opportunities for Swiss Companies through International Financial Institutions

Interessieren Sie sich für öffentliche Ausschreibungen von Internationalen Finanzinstitutionen (IFIs)? Suchen Sie Wege, um an neue Absatzmöglichkeiten zu gelangen? Brauchen Sie Unterstützung beim Angebotsprozedere oder im erfolgreichen Umgang mit diesen Tenders und Institutionen? Dann ist unsere Veranstaltung genau das Richtige für Sie. Wussten Sie, dass: • Ungefähr 85 Milliarden Franken jährlich von internationalen Finanzinstitutionen bereitgestellt werden? • Die Schweiz Mitglied der fünf wichtigsten IFIs ist und Schweizer Firmen, auch KMU, somit berechtigt sind, an deren Ausschreibungen teilzunehmen? • Neben Anlagen-, Beratungsdienstleistungen- und Infrastrukturprojekten auch Produkte wie Nahrungsmittel, Textilien und Konsumgüter in den Programmen gefördert werden? • Osec sowie die Schweizer Repräsentanten bei den IFIs ihre Fragen gerne beantworten und Sie bei ihrem Vorhaben unterstützen? • Osec Schweizer KMU zu den einzelnen Internationalen Finanzinstitutionen begleitet und gezielte Kontakte zu den Entscheidungsträgern in den Institutionen herstellt?
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
230x 25.03.10  +  

socialmedian: Brown fordert internationale Jemen-Konferenz (International, NZZ Online)

Der britische Premier will gegen den zunehmenden Einfluss der Terrororganisation al-Kaida in Jemen vorgehen. Er schlägt die Erörterung der Lage an einer internationalen Konferenz vor. (apd) Der britische Premierminister Gordon Brown hat angesichts eines wachsenden Einflusses der Terrororganisation al-Kaida in Jemen eine internationale Konferenz zur Lage in dem arabischen Land vorgeschlagen. Das Treffen könnte am 28. Januar am Rande der internationalen Afghanistan-Konferenz in London stattfinden, sagte Brown am Freitag. Sein Vorschlag werde von der Europäischen Union und den USA unterstützt. Um dem zunehmenden Einfluss der Kaida in Jemen zu begegnen, sei ein internationaler Ansatz notwendig, begründete der Premierminister seinen Vorstoss. Von der Konferenz erhoffe er sich eine koordinierte Unterstützung der jemenitischen Regierung.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
117x 02.01.10  +  

socialmedian: Blutbad bei Volleyballspiel in Pakistan (International, NZZ Online)

In Pakistan ist es erneut zu einem verheerenden Anschlag gekommen. Im Nordwesten des Landes sprengte sich ein Attentäter bei einer Sportveranstaltung in die Luft. Inzwischen ist die Zahl der Toten auf 93 gestiegen. (sda/afp) Nach dem schweren Selbstmordanschlag auf ein Volleyballspiel in Pakistan ist die Zahl der Toten auf 93 gestiegen. In der Nacht zum Samstag seien fünf weitere Personen an ihren schweren Verletzungen gestorben, sagte der Bezirkspolizeichef von Bannu, Mohammad Ayub Khan. Die Sicherheitsmassnahmen im Bezirk seien verschärft worden. Der Anschlag war der schwerste in Pakistan seit mehr als zwei Monaten. Die Polizei machte die radikalislamischen Taliban für das Selbstmordattentat verantwortlich.
Lucas Wyrsch @ Zürich
113x 02.01.10  +  

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Lucas Wyrsch @ TGC-Consultants, Future Power, Zürich

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