Lucy Lou Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lucy Lou)


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Kentucky town mourns its first female mayor, Lucy Lou, a dog › nation-world
Rabbit Hash Mayor Lucy Lou takes her owner, Bobbi Layne Kayser, on a walk Rabbit Hash Mayor Lucy Lou takes her owner, Bobbi Layne ...

Lucy Lou | News, Videos & Articles
Lucy Lou videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on Lucy Lou .

Top showjumping horse was sold for one euro - BBC News
The horse, renamed Lenamore Lucy Lou, was nursed back to fitness and is now worth tens of thousands of euros. Later this month, the mare is due to compete in a world contest in Belgium. I thought she was going to be a lunatic, and so she was. She was very difficult at the start, but she came through, with ...

Guardian: The world’s strangest mayoral candidates | Politics | The Guardian

As polls in a Siberian town reveal overwhelming electoral support for an anti-corruption cat, let’s remember some other unconvential vote-winners
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