Lucy Manuela Person-Info 

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Guardian: New Year honours list: DBEs and CBEs | New Year honours list |...

— Lucy Manuela de Groot, exec dir, Improvement and Development Agency. For serv Local Govt. Prof Colin Dennis, For serv the Agri-food ind. › dec

New Year Honours list
Mrs Bimla Devi Lyall. Executive Officer, South East Area Enforcement Office, Sidcup, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Department for Transport.

Honours: Order of the British Empire, Civil - DBE and CBE
— de Groot, Ms Lucy Manuela, exec dir, Improvement and Development Agency. For serv Local Govt. Dennis, Prof Colin, For serv the Agri-food ind ... › h...

Full New Year's honours list | HeraldScotland
KNIGHTS BACHELOR Professor Timothy Robert Peter Brighouse, For services to Education. Professor David Nicholas Cannadine, Formerly Queen Elizabeth…
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