Ludger Will Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ludger Will)


Thrilling three-way tie in first round of Furusiyya Final | HorseTelex
Otto Becker, Chef d’Equipe Germany: “My team on Saturday will start in the same order, I am confident about that - Christian starts and Ludger will be the last rider.” Ludger Beerbaum GER: “It was a tough class, the course was big enough and we had a good result.

Win a free spot for the Longines World Equestrian Academy Summer Camp...
At the end of the application period, Longines and Ludger will choose two winners to participate in the Longines World Equestrian Academy Summer Camp 2017! Good Luck! * All expenses will be covered by the LWEA except the transportation costs to and from Riesenbeck International. ** Ludgers P is the only available feed for your horse.
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