Marc d'Antonio Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marc d'Antonio)


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UFO spotted in news coverage of B.C. forest fire - Yahoo News Canada sent the video to Marc D'Antonio, the chief photo and analyst at MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). "I am convinced that this was a really good find. It is an Earth-grazer, a meteor that approaches the atmosphere at a shallow angle, and continues on, skipping off the atmosphere back into space," ...

US Navy 'runs top secret programme to detect underwater alien...
ALIENS have underwater craft and the US Navy is running a secret programme called the “Fast Mover Programme” to detect them, a chief UFO analyst has claimed.

Applications for gun permits in Muscogee Co. hit all-time high
Charles Youmans is one of several hundred people in Muscogee County itching to get their hands on a concealed weapons permit that will allow him to carry his...

Mass UFO Sighting in Brazil Was Drone Controlled by TV Channel
Drone with camera attached was apparently controlled by Sao Paulo news station Folha TV.
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Vorname "Marc" (37406)
Name "D'antonio" (114)
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